Chemical reactions support nearly all natural and artificial processes in our contemporary environment. This unit presents particular physical and organic chemistry ideas that support the scientific theories underpinning chemical, biological, environmental, and industrial processes. It builds on the material covered in the Foundations of Chemistry. The unit's physical chemistry subjects cover electrochemistry, energy use, spontaneity, and reaction kinetics. The main categories of organic molecules, stereoisomerism, and the mechanics of typical organic reaction processes are all explored under the heading of organic chemistry. With a focus on practical techniques, these ideas are examined. Focusing on physical and organic chemistry, this unit will also enable students to develop their proficiency in laboratory procedures learned in the Foundations of Chemistry.
Students Should Be Able To:
LO1: Recognize the significance of thermodynamics in physical chemistry and anticipate the behavior of chemical systems under various situations (GA4, GA5, GA8)
LO2: Recognize the significance of thermodynamics in physical chemistry and anticipate the behavior of chemical systems under various situations (GA4, GA5, GA8)
LO3: Describe the functional groups that different organic compounds have in relation to their structures and associated organic chemistry reaction processes (GA4, GA5, GA8
Describe the functional groups that different organic compounds have in relation to their structures and associated organic chemistry reaction processes (GA4, GA5, GA8 Understand the isomerism of organic molecules and its significance in the biological world and in the context of medicine (LO4) (GA4, GA5, GA8)
LO5 - Show proficiency in the methods and tools used in physical and organic chemistry, as well as in the interpretation of experimental data (GA4, GA5, GA7, and GA8).
Graduate Qualities
GA4: Exercise critical and thoughtful thinking
GA5 - exhibit values, information, expertise, and behavior appropriate for the discipline or vocation
GA7: Work alone and collaboratively
GA8: Find, Arrange, Analyse, Synthesize, and Assess Information
There will be lectures on a variety of subjects, such as energy and chemical processes, entropy and free energy, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, and hydrocarbons.
Chemical structure
Interactions between organic compounds with various functional groups
Reactivity of aromatic compounds
Strategy and Justification for Teaching and Learning
This section uses various learning and teaching methodologies through lectures, tutorials, and laboratory-based sessions. Lectures promote involvement in the class and inquiry-based learning, which helps students grasp the fundamentals of the laws controlling various chemical processes. The practical and tutorial lessons give students a more individualized chance to interact with the content while reinforcing important ideas initially covered in lectures. Students can develop their teamwork and collaboration through group projects during practical workshops.
In addition, transition pedagogies will be introduced into the unit as the primary point of distinction from the standard unit to guarantee that students are prepared to articulate from the Diploma and transition into the second year of undergraduate study. To improve student learning in a supportive atmosphere, this focuses on an active and engaging approach to learning and teaching techniques and a scaffold approach to curriculum delivery. This will guarantee that students acquire the disciplinary-based knowledge, students and abilities at the foundational level, and the academic skills necessary for success in this unit.
Assessment Plan and Justification
A variety of assessment techniques will be employed to satisfy the unit learning goals and build graduate qualities per university assessment requirements. Students must complete three graded assessment activities to pass this unit. Students must also pass all three of these assessments with an overall grade of at least 50%. Students are encouraged to work regularly throughout the semester since assessment assignments have been created to help them achieve their learning objectives step-by-step. The assessment assignments for this unit include both exam-based and practical-based tasks.
Written exams throughout the semester help students prepare for the final exam by assessing various areas of the course material following the learning goals. Quick feedback is given to students, and more assistance is accessible if necessary.
Students get the chance to develop their critical thinking abilities, data collecting, and analysis skills, and writing scientific reports through laboratory-based activities. Students must record, analyze, and finish entries in their laboratory workbooks for their experimental work. Laboratory assessment activities will evaluate students' proficiency in laboratory methodology, data collection, and evaluation.
Short answer and multiple-choice questions are used in the exam for this unit to gauge how well students have learned and comprehended the material taught in all of the lectures, tutorials, and practical classes this semester. The two written examinations will be given online. They will test students' knowledge of the individual organic and physical chemistry modules of the course using multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
The unit assessment activities will be completed successfully by utilizing transition pedagogy-aligned strategies. With a focus on a progressive approach to learning, developmentally staged will incorporate tasks into each assessment. This will be accomplished through exercises, such as
Providing regular feedback
Especially early in the unit of study
To support their learning
Employing techniques to develop and comprehend the terminology
Concepts unique to the discipline
Carrying out practice tasks in class with integrated feedback
Increasing peer cooperation
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The most difficult chemistry aspect for students to understand and deal with is organic chemistry. The fascinating chemistry aspect understands chemical formulas, structure, and reaction mechanisms. LiveWebTutors' staffs of organic chemistry specialists offer Chemistry assignment writing services and help with the challenging parts of the assignments. We distinguish ourselves from other online chemistry help providers by service this. You will receive high marks for the flawless solution to your chemistry assignment because it is accurate. You don't need to ponder because it is our job to get you high grades. You must wonder how using we can help you do well on your chemistry assignment. Here is how it works:
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